Frantz oversees ground operations campus wide. He works as part of the leadership team to create the strategic plan for campus infrastructure and the teams which support operation of it. This critical position ensures the security of our property, the maintenance of our facilities and development of our team members.
The Director of Finance and Legal Affairs position is one of utmost importance for Christianville. This role is responsible for all aspects of the organization’s financial management and reporting, along with working to maintain Christianville’s legal status in Haiti and navigate compliance with changes in the law.
Raoul oversees the strategy and execution of all farm activities to make Christianville’s goal of feeding the bodies of those we serve is met. Currently, this role also acts as administrator for the Centre Vocationnel et Technique School at Christianville providing the necessary training for adults to gain the skills needed to become gainfully employed.
The Campus Pastor and Community Liaison is an important role at Christianville, one which provides spiritual guidance and support for the team while furthering the organization’s mission of evangelism in surrounding communities.
PO Box 19043 Indianapolis, IN 46219 866-201-8545 [email protected]